Since were living in the age of enormous supersized portions, bottomless this, and allyoucaneat that, weve really lost sight of what an actual serving size is. Singleserving Containers. To determine the serving size of a Greek yogurt product, check the Nutrition Facts label. Chobanis singleserving containers, for example. Caramel Apple Pizza more. Whens the last time you ate just two Oreos Yeah. Me neither. Yet that is the standard Food and Drug Administration serving size listed on the back of the. What Is A Serving Size Of Fruit For Weight WatchersEasy Ways to Measure Serving Size and Portions. Your fridge is stocked with wholesome ingredients. Youve printed out an arsenal of good for you recipes. But now youre faced with a new problem How do you determine the perfect portion controlled sizes for your healthy snacks and meals Use this simple guide that compares typical foods, including fish, pasta, and cheese, to everyday objects. It makes healthy eating easyRaise your hand if youve ever looked at the back of a cereal or pasta packet to see the serving size is a measly half a cup which is nothing compared to your. Which is the correct serving size If you picked the tiny glass on the right give yourself an A limit fruit juice to 12 cup 125 mL per day. Serving sizes can vary based on whether theyre raw, cooked, juiced, or dehydrated. Heres a look at serving sizes for 18 fruits and veggies.