Your actual needs for various nutrients may differ, perhaps significantly, from the values shown in the chart due to your individual caloric needs and other factors. You should also keep in mind that nutritional values are always estimates as numerous factors such as storage time, nutrient density of the soil in which the crop was grown, and weather conditions can have a significant impact on the nutrient profile of a crop. G4Pe-4OQ3woU2PTEON_vweNECC4=/dbd03683-a225-4a3a-94f2-bac79a81ea69--8598509568_bec708c9e3_z.jpg' alt='Tatsoi Greens' title='Tatsoi Greens' />Superb mild tatsoi flavor, is a must for stirfrying and salads. Beautiful small rosette heads like a flat bok choy. The first measure of garlic mellows as it cooks with the greens its the second that adds a real kick. Substitute minced ginger for the second addition of garlic. Microgreens are an easy crop to grow indoors or out, in a garden or a container. Heres what you need to know to grow these delicious greens. When you walk into the produce section of your local Asian supermarket, youll probably be greeted by a dazzling but daunting display of unusual greens. Theyre all. Macronutrient. Amount per 1. Daily Value. Water. NAProtein. Fat. 0. 3 g. NACholesterol. NACarbohydrates. 3. Fiber. 2. 8 g. 11. Mineral. Amount per 1. Daily Value. Calcium Ca2. Iron Fe1. 5 mg. Magnesium Mg1. Phosphorus P2. 8 mg. Pan Roasted Chicken Thighs. Potassium K4. 49 mg. Sodium Na2. 1 mg. Zinc Zn0. 1. 7 mg. Vitamin. Amount per 1. Daily Value. Vitamin A Equivalent. IU1. 98. Vitamin B1 Thiamin0. Vitamin B2 Riboflavin0. Vitamin B3Niacin0. Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine0. Mesclun French pronunciation mskl is a salad mix of assorted small, young salad green leaves, which originated in Provence, France. Asparagus, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, spinach, mustard greens and artichoke come in the long green vegetables list. For a healthy life, having these vegetables. Sauteed Tatsoi Food as love. Food as creativity. Food as art. Food as health. Food as consciousness. Food for the sharing. Thai stirfried greens have been in my weeknight cooking repertoire since I began cooking. Vitamin B9Folate1. Vitamin B1. 2 Cobalamin0 mg. Vitamin CAscorbic Acid1. Vitamin D0 mcg. 0Notes The above nutrition facts tables are not comprehensive, meaning that tatsoi or spoon mustard also supplies nutrients and phytochemicals that are not included in the chart. The absolute values shown above are based on USDAs Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 2. The Percent Daily Values DV shown have been calculated by Heal. With. Food. org using the Daily Values for Nutrients provided by USDA. More Facts About Tatsoi Related to its Nutrient ContentTatsoi contains more vitamin C than oranges. Who wouldve guessed the small spoon shaped leaves of tatsoi pack a vitamin C punchOunce for ounce, these nutrient dense leaves contain more than twice as much vitamin C as oranges. In fact, tatsoi is considered one of the worlds best vegetable sources of this vital nutrient, with only a handful of fresh vegetables such as peppers and parsley providing more vitamin C than tatsoi. Tatsoi leaves are packed with carotenoids. Carrots may be the best known source of carotenoids, but they are hardly the only vegetable loaded with these health protecting nutrients. Fresh Produce Price Directory, Produce Historical prices, Fresh Produce FOB Market Prices and Reports, Fruit Prices, Vegetable Prices, salesproduce1. Skype. Many Brassica vegetables, including tatsoi spoon mustard and regular mustard greens, provide tons of carotenoids. To maximize the health benefits of tatsoi greens related to their high carotenoid content, eat tatsoi together with foods that contain some fat. Carotenoids are fat soluble, meaning that they need fat to be absorbed and used by your body. Tatsoi contains twice as much calcium as milk. Milk is touted as a top source of calcium, but the fact is, on a weight by weight basis, many green leafy vegetables trump milk in terms of calcium content. Fresh tatsoi leaves, for example, contain 2.