Fermented Food Diet

Fermented Food Diet

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Fermented Food Diet' title='Fermented Food Diet' />This is our list of fermented food recipes that we offer for free on the pages of our website. This list includes homemade recipes for kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh. These nutritious, sharpflavored foods make up an estimated onethird of the human diet worldwide. They vary in type depending on the raw ingredients available in the. Fermented food, enjoyed across the globe, conveys health benefits through lactic acid fermentation. The fermentation process can transform the flavor of food from the. Fermented Food RecipesFor Your Health. The Flu is rampant More than 5. Im taking precautions eating healthier, getting sleep, washing my hands after being in public places and praying At every meal Im eating at least a tablespoon of fermented foods. I know, you never hear of them anymore. In the olden days everyone knew how to preserve vegetables. Its done through a process called lacto fermentation. The lactobacilli in fermented vegetables enhances digestibility, increases vitamin levels, produces helpful enzymes and antibiotic properties critical to our health. Lactic acid in the fermented foods keeps them perfectly preserved and promotes healthy flora in our intestines 8. Making them is easy. You dont need any special equipment. The most important thing is to use the highest quality ingredients. When available use organic fruit or vegetables. If the vegetables are deficit in nutrients the fermentation is likely not to work. Use pure water, not chemical laden and use sea salt when available. Most people dont have access to homemade whey thats in the recipes. Dont use commercial concentrated whey, its not the same thing at all. You must have whey to ferment fruit but you dont have to have whey to make the vegetables. Just use additional salt as I state in the recipe. If you want to know how to make whey read my post http sharonglasgow. If you dont have access to rawunpasteurized milk you can make your own whey using plain yogurt from the store. Here is a site that tells you how to do it http wellnessmama. Wash your fruit or vegetables, cut them up, add salt, spices, water, then pound down gently to release juices. The salt helps eliminate bacteria while the fermentation is taking place. Put top on the jar, close tight. Dont open while on the counter, it is a anaerobic process and the presence of oxygen can ruin the final product. When you are ready to eat your fermented foodIf  it has a horrible odor toss it out. It should smell fermented and maybe sprity. Some vegetables dont smell like  anything. Once I made a batch of fermented cucumbers and when opening they were mushy on top, I tossed those out. They should have been the texture of its natural state. Eat in small quantities, like a condiment. Enjoy the benefits of being healthyRecipes are taken from Sally Fallon, Nourishing Traditions book. Homemade sauerkraut recipe http sharonglasgow. Homemade preserved lemons  http sharonglasgow. Fermented Beets. 9 medium beets when possible use organic1 tablespoon sea salt. Chop greens off and wash beets well. Place on cookie sheet and bake on 3. Peel and chop beets into thin strips. Dont mince beets. Place beets in quart jar with wide mouth. Press down slightly. Combine the rest of the ingredients and pour over the beets. Press down lightly. Should be 1 inch below top. Cover tightly and keep at room temperature for 3 days before transferring to refrigerator. Beets in 3. 00 degree oven for three hours. Pour all other ingredients into beet and pound lightly. Pickled Radish. 1 bunch of radishes. Take greens off, wash and grate radishes. Place grated radishes into pint size mason jar. Pound down the radishes, then pour other ingredients on top. Pound again. The top of the radish mixture should be at least 1 inch below the top of the jar. Cover tightly and keep at room temperature for 3 days before storing in refrigerator. One bunch of organic radishes. Greens off and washed. Grate themnot your fingernailsPut into pint size jar and pound down. Add salt. Pickled Garlic. Bake garlic heads in 3. It will smell wonderful in your kitchen. Take outer layers off the cloves and put cloves into jar. Pour rest of ingredients on top. Cover tightly and keep at room temperature for 3 days before storing in refrigerator. This is DELICIOUS Our daughter Rachael spreads it on toast and sprinkles cheese on top said it was heavenly. Baking garlic on 3. Took clove out. Done, now cover tightly and let sit for 3 days at room temperature. Pickled Cucumbers. Wash cucumbers and slice in long quarters. Place in wide mouth quart sized jar. Combine rest of ingredients and pour over cucumbers. Top of liquid should be 1 inch below top. Cover tightly and keep at room temperature for 2 3 days before transferring to refrigerator. Wash cucumbers well, then slice in long quarters. Put cucumber pieces into wide mouth quart jar and then pour water and whey on top. Sliced and ready for the water, whey and salt. Mango Chutney or Papaya3 cups of firm mango, peeled and cubed. Mix all in large bowl, then pour into wide mouth quart sized jar. Press down. If it doesnt all fit dont force it. Eat the left overs for lunch. How To Eat Clean On A Budget more. The fruit should be covered in liquid, if it is not add more water. Leave 1 inch a top. Cover tightly and sit at room temperature for 3 days before transferring to refrigerator. Weve used this as a condiment with Mexican dishes, yumGetting ingredients ready for Mango Chutney. You dont have to have one of these mango slicersbut it helps. Chopped mango. Lime juice, cilantro and ginger in the mango. Onions, red pepper and salt added. Rest of ingredients added and stirred. Pour into jar and poundextra left in the bowl was yummy for lunch. Incredibly yummy put lid on and let sit for 3 days at room temperature. Pineapple Chutney. Mix all in large bowl. Press down lightly. If it doesnt all fit, eat that part for lunch You should have 1 inch head space at top. Cover tightly and let sit at room temperature for 3 days until transferring to refrigerator. I didnt like this one as much, it tasted really fizzy But I eat it You need whey to make this one. Took skin off pineapple and cored it its hard. Chopped pineapple. Grated ginger. Add chopped cilantro, water, lime juice and whey. Add Salt. Stir and pour into wide mouth mason jar Pound, add more if there is room. Extra is delicious to eat right away I had to pour some off the top. There is suppose to be 1 inch head room at top. Video of me milking our goat. I use unpasteurized milk to make our whey. Health Benefits of Raw Fermented Foods. She sat across the table from me enviously eyeing my salad. Id really love some vegetables right now, she said. We started talking about her diet the typical diet of the typical American. I told her that 6. Oh, she interrupted, I bet I dont cook 6. I eat. She missed my point. She was talking about sandwiches and cold breakfast cereals, snack bars and cheese sticks. Lets not beat around the bush, people. The Standard American Diet SAD is cooked. Aside from the occasional salad or piece of fruit, we just dont eat raw foods. In fact, we fear them. I think its time for Food Renegade Newbie Tip 4. Eat more raw, fermented, and living foods. First, some definitions. A raw food is a food that is not heated above 1. F. A fermented food is a food that has had its carbohydrates and sugars turned into alcohol or beneficial acids. A living food is a food that still has living enzymes in it and includes both raw and fermented foods. Now, for some examples. Everyone understands raw, but fermented and living may be harder to follow. FERMENTED Some typical foods preserved by lactic acid formation include mayonnaise, pickles and yogurt. LIVING Cheese, sour cream, yogurt. Why should you eat more living foods One word Enzymes. Your body needs them to properly digest, absorb, and make full use of your food. As you age, your bodys supply of enzymes decreases. This has caused many scientists to hypothesize that if you could guard against enzyme depletion, you could live a longer, healthier life. Okay, so theyre important. But what does that have to do with eating living foods Heres a fairly succinct summary from Life Extension Magazine One of Americas pioneering bio chemists and nutrition researchers Dr. Edward Howell, in his book Enzyme Nutrition, cites numerous animal studies showing that animals fed diets that are deficient in enzymes suffer from enlargement of the pancreas, as huge amounts of pancreatic enzymes are squandered in digesting foods that are devoid of natural enzymes. The result of this wasteful outpouring of pancreatic digestive enzymes is a decrease in the supply of crucial metabolic enzymes and impaired health. Digestive organs such as the pancreas and liver produce most of the bodys digestive enzymes, while the remainder should come from uncooked foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, raw sprouted grains, seeds and nuts, unpasteurized dairy products, and from enzyme supplements. Eating food in its natural, unprocessed state is vital to the maintenance of good health, and a lack of it in the modern diet is directly responsible for much degenerative disease. Cooking of food, particularly if heat is prolonged and over 1. Fahrenheit, destroys enzymes in that food, leaving what is commonly consumed by the modern person an enzymeless diet. This is how by middle age we become metabolically depleted of enzymes. If foods are eaten uncooked, fewer of the bodys digestive enzymes are required to perform the digestive function. The body thereby adapts to the plentiful, external supply by secreting fewer of its own enzymes, preserving these enzymes to assist in vital cellular metabolic functions. So, Im about to go all bold and red on you. Are you ready If you didnt read that hunk of text up above, this is the one thing I want you to understand Eating an enzyme rich diet decreases the load on your pancreas, preserving your bodys own natural enzyme potential, thereby reducing your risk of chronic diseases. So, thats why science tells you to eat more raw, living foods. Heres why you really should consider it. Its like what I told my friend at the beginning of the post for centuries, traditional people groups the world over have consumed at least 6. Put another way Theyre not the weird ones. We are. Looking for more Newbie Tips Check out the ever growing list here.

Fermented Food Diet
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